Sunday, January 10, 2010

Silver Lining

Okay, so they say that every cloud has a silver lining, right? Right. Yesterday, while getting a jumpstart on some spring cleaning, I suffered what must have been an allergic reaction to the chemicals in one of the cleaners. The overwhelming smell (stench) of PineSol left me sneezing for hours until it got so bad that I could barely breathe at all.

Now considering that I grew up in the South where PineSol is a staple in many a home and I have cleaned with it for years, I am confused by my own reaction. A couple of other cleansers were also being used, but it seemed to be the PineSol that completely shut down my sinuses. Is it possible that the makers of PineSol have changed the chemical makeup of their product? Seriously, I spent a great deal of time yesterday trying to break down the situation and come up with a reasonable explanation. Then it hit me. If I'm allergic (read: can't breathe) to household cleaners (we'll just say yes) then it stands to reason that I can no longer do housework. hehehe

Yeah ... that's the ticket ... let's not over analyze the situation. Since breathing is one of those critical functions we all need to be able to do in order to survive, I think from now on I simply won't be able to do any housework at all. Sorta of makes the whole "I can't breathe thing" totally worthwhile.

Gotta love that silver lining. :-)

So I guess for the next couple of days the only thing I will be doing with any thoughtful consistency is well ... breathing.

Intro to Screenwriting II starts up this Saturday which means it's time to put my butt in a chair, my fingers on the keyboard, and resume typing away madly.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day Five

It's seventy degrees and gorgeous here in Phoenix. Just finished up a three and a half mile walk along the canal and am settling in to finish polishing up the beat sheet for The Sacrifice (my spec script). I have even managed to limit my chocolate consumption so far this year. (hehe-day five, we'll see how long that lasts!) Still on track with my not-quite New Year's resolution.


Friday, January 1, 2010

Starting over ...

As you can see I set up this blog back in October and then promptly forgot about it. I had the best of intentions but between work, travel and class (and writing!) it sort of fell by the wayside. But since today is the start of a new year AND a new decade (and not a moment too soon!) I thought I would give this blogging thing another shot. So here goes ....

I've never been a big fan of New Year's resolutions. It seems so daunting to resolve to do something, without fail, for an entire year. However, after reading an article in the Washington Post, entitled Resolved:Writing is a job by author Ann Patchett, I was intrigued. In the article she talks about resolutions (and of course resolving to write every day :-)and shares the advice of a friend: Whatever a person does with thoughtful consistency for the first 32 days of the year sets the course for the entire year.

Thirty two days? I can do that. Not quite as daunting as signing on for the entire year. So here goes ...

I resolve to:
Write daily
Walk for an extra half an hour each day (much easier to do than going to the gym ;-)
Eat healthy (which I hope will lead to losing that pesky ten pounds that keeps hanging around!)

Three things I hope to do with thoughtful consistency for the first thirty two days of the year. What about you? What can you commit to for the next thirty two days? Let me know ....

Happy New Year!